An Alternate Creation Myth

Most creation stories start out with, “In the beginning…” In the beginning a big, smart man we call God created the world. Even the scientific creation story starts with The Big Bang, when there was nothing and then bang! A quantum fluctuation created a singularity out of nothing with enough material energy to expand into a trillion galaxies each with billions of stars. But I have an alternate theory that our universe is created by our evolving consciousness.

There always is infinite creative possibility. No beginning, no end, it always is.

The real start of the Universe is “I Am,” pure awareness.

“I” the individual. “Am” the present tense of the verb to-be. I Am is awareness of being. Individual awareness was the first cause of the Universe. The Universe formed around that awareness. Awareness is outside of time has no beginning and no end, it is always present tense.

The story of the evolution of the Universe is the story of the evolution of consciousness.

Einstein, said, “…the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion1.” He was referring to the idea that space and time are linked. There is not space and time, there is space-time. And space-time is relative to the observer. We are under the illusion that we exist in a particular point of space and time. But the nature of reality is timeless.

Jesus said “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.2” That sentence has an odd and puzzling grammatical structure. You have present tense preceding past tense. Jesus says before the existence of Abraham, I Am. Present tense. It turns the sequence of time inside out.

We can reconcile Jesus and Einstein. Before space and time can exist there must be an observer, since space and time are relative to the observer. Before anything can exist, I Am. But “before” is the wrong term. Since pure awareness is outside of time then creation can “start” at any point in time and work backwards from there.

Reality is Truth combined with Awareness. Your Reality is everything that you are aware of which is true, or real. The concept behind that reality is consciousness being aware of things that exist. The source of reality is not the things that exist, the material realm, reality originates in the conceptual realm, the Platonic realm.

Here then is my alternate creation myth:

I Am is pure awareness, eternal and timeless. I Am is the source of all that can exist. I Am is surrounded by a medium of Truth called Mind. I Am creates by thinking into Mind. Mind persists the thoughts of I Am and derives Law, which is a record of Truth about thought.

I Am imagined light and form swirling around in an infinite void. I Am imagined seeing its creation from different points of view which caused Mind to create the concept of time and space. Each point of view became an individual center of awareness, part of the one I Am, sharing the one Mind, but seeing from one point in time and space. This caused Mind to create math to calculate what each individual would see as Truth from their viewpoint in time and space.

I Am imagined substance and this caused Mind to create matter using math. E = mc2. Elements represented by numbers. One Hydrogen, two Helium. One plus one equals two and gives forth light for I Am to see. Mind, which originated from the infinite I Am, has infinite computing power to track the position and movement of every particle of matter and photon of light observed by every individual center of I Am awareness.

The beginning of the Universe was the idea of time and space. The concept that there could be a beginning, followed by a next thing, the law of cause and effect. I Am is the first cause.

I Am is you and I. If we were to move our center of awareness from our individual point in time and space back into I Am as the material universe began to form, we would see a light show of what we now call galaxies, nebula and stars. But the details would not yet exist because they had not yet been observed from a close vantage point.

I Am imagined solid matter. This caused Mind to calculate higher numbers of elements and determine the chain of cause and effect that would bring them about. We had stars that implemented the equation one plus one equals two plus light or energy. But Mind needed to calculate higher numbered elements. So I Am imagined stars collapsing and exploding, causing Mind to calculate the chain of cause and effect for planets to form.

Then I Am imagined observing the Universal as a part of it. This it called Life. This caused Mind to calculate the chain of case and effect to bring about life throughout the Universe. I Am used Mind to adjust all the parameters of the laws of physics to create a Goldilocks Universe that was just right for Life.

I Am was now countless individual centers of awareness embedded throughout time and space. Each center of awareness imagined countless forms of life. This caused Mind to calculate biology. In order for all the life forms that I Am thought into Mind to be able to exist, Life had to be made up of building blocks. What we now call biological cells.

When Mind had derived all the equations and values to bring about the Universe that the countless individualizations of I Am had imagined then they/it imagined the Universe becoming real with a Big Bang and the program ran in Mind calculating time and space expanding from a singularity with a temperature of one hundred trillion degrees, thirteen point seven billion years ago to form the reality of this Universe that we individualized centers of I Am consciousness all share.

And thus our Universal Awareness thinking into infinite Mind brought about our shared reality.

I Am and Mind are outside of time and space and the act of creation involves I Am imagining the end result and Mind calculating the chain of cause and effect to get there. So I Am imagining a Universe filled with Life caused Mind to calculate the incredibly complex mathematics that makes our Universe real.

This creation myth is based on these key concepts:

  • Consciousness is the basis of reality
  • Consciousness uses an infinite immaterial computer we call Mind to generate a consistent reality
  • Time and space are mental constructs
  • Consciousness and mind exist outside of time and space
  • The material universe came into focus as Consciousness observed it
  • There is backward causation; Consciousness can imagine the end result and Mind can calculate the initial conditions
  • Our individual consciousnesses have split off from the One Consciousness in order to observe the creation we call the Universe from particular points of time and space
  • Even though we are momentarily separate from the One Consciousness, we each possess the attributes of the One, including the ability to create through imagination

The material Universe is the result of the collaborative creation of all individual consciousnesses.

To put it more succulently:

There exists an infinite intelligence with infinite creative potential which separated into countless self-aware individuals to create the Universe through observation and free choice.

Therefore the answer to the questions, “Why do we exist?” and “Why is the Universe the way it is?” is that one universal consciousness, I Am, expressed through countless centers of individual consciousness placed throughout time and space, each imagined a part of creation and the infinite intelligence, Mind, used math and science to calculate the best fit. We all living in the Universe we chose.

The answer to the question, “Why is there pain and suffering?” is that each individual has a limited point of view and the free choice to take action that either benefits themselves or others. Love and selfishness. They create good and bad. But the Universe is evolving as we become more aware of our oneness and work together to make a better Universe.

So is this story nothing but utter fantasy? You can’t deny your own consciousness and can’t explain it as a material thing. Even if you think of your brain as a computer, you are still able to think of your brain, but no computer is aware that it is computing. If we all have this same awareness, where did come from? There must be a single source of awareness from which our individual awareness originates, and this ties us all together in this shared experience we call reality.

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