Who Are You, Really?

You are a conscious entity, aware of sensations, thoughts, feelings, memories, and desires. You know that you exist. But what are you? What is the real you, the thing that is aware of everything you are aware of? Neti neti, Sanskrit for “Not this, not that,” is a Hindu meditation practice where an individual seeks …

An Alternate Creation Myth

Most creation stories start out with, “In the beginning…” In the beginning a big, smart man we call God created the world. Even the scientific creation story starts with The Big Bang, when there was nothing and then bang! A quantum fluctuation created a singularity out of nothing with enough material energy to expand into …

Reality is Merely an Illusion, Albeit a Very Persistent One

There are many quotes attributed to Albert Einstein circulating the Internet which he never said.  The title of this article, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one,” is one example.  It appears to be adapted from this actual quote of Einstein in a letter written after the death of one of his …

Your Sense of Beauty is Evidence of Connection to a Universal Mind

The beauty of a sunset. The splendor of a mountain vista. The feeling you get when you look at a rose or a tropical beach. From where does our sense of beauty arise? Is the appearance of beauty nothing more than the result of random processes? Is the color of the sunset just light scattering …